Serving these Central Kentucky counties

Serving these Central Kentucky counties
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Weekend of Champions 2009 Recap

Hello FCA!

What an exciting time of year it is for us at FCA! A couple of weekends ago (Nov 7-8), we saw around over 40 schools from around the state (700 of you in all) come to the FCA Weekend of Champions to be encouraged, challenged, and strengthened in your faith! New York Met and speaker for the weekend, Andy Green, did a fabulous job of getting real and honest with us. As a result, many of you got real and honest with God! We saw many of you commit your life to Christ and begin an eternal relationship with Him! Many more of you have shared with us how God used the weekend to "get you back on track" and to encourage you to be a bold witness for Jesus in your school! We thank God and all of you for what he did and is continuing to do through the Weekend of Champions!

For me, there were many highlights. Seeing so many of you get real with God and flood the alter on Saturday night was one of those "God moments" that happen from time to time in FCA! It was just awesome. My favorite moment of the weekend was hearing Charlie Mudd share his testimony on Sunday morning. Charlie is a student at WKU and was an exceptional multi-sport athlete in high school. I had the privilege of praying with Charlie as a middle schooler at the FCA Cameron Mills Basketball Camp. Charlie wanted Jesus to be his Lord and Savior and now Charlie is still involved with FCA influencing others to make the same life-changing decision he made at FCA camp. Thank you Charlie for the encouragement and for being such a great leader! Hearing you share your testimony with everyone at Weekend of Champions was something I will not forget!

>>FEEDBACK? Also, we would love to get some feedback from those of you who came! Answer six short questions here and help make this event better and let us know how God used the Weekend of Champions in your life:

More to come!

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