Serving these Central Kentucky counties

Serving these Central Kentucky counties
Please click on the image above to contact us or to be added to our mailing list! Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FCA Camp Report 2 – Team Camp @ Asbury

Just wanted to update you all on the FCA Team Camp that took place last week at Asbury College. This year’s camp nearly doubled in size from last year. With nearly 400 campers participating in Basketball, Wrestling and Tennis we saw God do some amazing things through sports and through our time during chapel as many students indicated to us that they trusted in Christ as their Savior and Lord for the first time!

To me, this camp was an incredible success! Not necessarily because of the visible response and the feedback we received (although that has been awesome…see below), but because of all the team camps we have done, I feel that the good news was shared and presented in such a clear and truthful way that no one could have been there and not have come face to face with their need for a savior. Here is what one boys basketball coach emailed to us after the camp:

As the Biblical base song says, "Great is thy Faithfulness", referring to God and what He truly is, has been and always will be. Also, as we are to be Christ like, it refers to you! Thank you for believing and obeying and staying true to the vision He gave to you. Because of that,I know of six young men that have been in our program during the last four years that have heard the word, answered the conviction of the Holy Spirit on their souls, and will now spend an eternity in Heaven! How Awesome is that? Thanks to you and your staff for staying True to the Call, we are forever grateful.Have a continued Great summer - Serving Him! We love you,Randy

Make no mistake… He is thanking you for making this possible! Much more to come on this camp… Perhaps one of the most amazing “God things” happened at this camp and I can’t wait to share it with you. We want to make sure that it is down just right before we do…

Check out Photos from the camp here:

Upcoming Events:
FCA Team Chaplain Training – July 12! - 2-5 PM at Northeast Christian Church.
FCA Golf Challenge Sept. 25 – Contact today about participating.

Gavin Duerson
Central KY FCA
2201 Regency Road Suite 602
Lexington, KY 40503
859 494 8524 (cell)
859 373 1300 (office)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Camp Report 1

Hello FCA!

I just wanted to shoot you a quick update on how the camps are going!

Last week we hosted our 4th Annual FCA Team Golf Camp! Overall the camp was fabulous. We had about 80 golfers, coaches, and college huddle leaders participate and a special guest appearance from Nationwide Tour Player Josh Teater. Central Hardin won the team competition and lost of kids made great strides in their game! Most of all I think there was significant spiritual growth.

There was one particular young man (middle school) that really touched me. He shared with me that he had always wondered if when he prayed if he was really talking to God or just to himself. The first night of camp he prayed that God would help him play the best round of golf of his life the next day. God met him where he was at and sure enough, he played his best ever. It didn’t dawn on him until the following night at chapel what had happened and with tears in his eyes and the biggest smile you have ever seen, he shared with me that he knew that God was real and that he had invited Christ to come into his life! Another young man shared with me how he would be returning home to apologize to his mother (his father passed away many years ago) for how he had been treating her the past year. I got to see Godly sorrow lead to repentance in this young man, right before my eyes.

See pictures from camp here

Last week, we also had a large group of kids from Mercer and Boyle Counties attend Black Mountain Boys FCA Camp near Ashville, NC. Read an incredible testimoney from that camp here.

Next week is our biggest week of the summer! Monday morning starts our “Team Camp” at Asbury (expecting over 400!) and then Wednesday we will start our Leadership Camp at Campbellsville University (Over 400 there too!). Please keep us in your prayers…Lots of details to take care of!

I REALLY want to encourage you to visit an FCA camp if it is not possible for you to attend as an adult camper or student camper. Monday and Tuesday night in Hughes Chapel at Asbury, we will be having our evening Chapel meetings starting at 8:30PM. Everyone is invited!

Thanks for your support and prayers! More to come!

P.S. It’s still not to late to attend the Leadership Camp! We also still have some spots for camp counselors at the Team Camp (Basketball, Wrestling, and Tennis) and Leadership Camp. Contact ASAP if interested in serving!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FCA Update! June 2009

Hello FCA!

I know many of you are now out of school, bored with nothing to do! :) I just wanted to remind you that we still have spots open for our FCA leadership camp! This is an incredible opportunity to not only have a blast, but really grow in your faith and see God mold you into an athlete that is leaving an eternal legacy at your school! FCA Leadership Camp is June 24-27 at Campbellsville Univeristy and we have some scholarship money available! Cost is It is for both middle school and high school folks and we still need some young adults to serve as "Huddle Leaders!" (note: FCA Huddle Coaches and family come on us!)

I can't stress enough the tremendous opportunity that this camp is for youth and adults alike!

(scroll down to get all the info and to register!)

1) We are full for our Basketball Team Camp this year (for the first) time with 8 Girls Programs and 8 Guys Programs participating with over 32 different teams playing!

[Boys Teams: Pikeville, Henry County, Doss HS, Moore HS, Oldham County, Larue County, Lawrence, Shelby Valley] [Girls Teams: Tates Creek, Logan Co HS, Somerset HS, Lawrence County, The Piarist school, West Jessamine, Estill County, Mercer County, Moore High School]

2) We still have spots available for Tennis Camp at Asbury, June 22-24 (Jr. and Sr. High) and for the Golf Team Camp June 15-17 (team consists of four players and coach).

3) Still looking for Huddle Leaders for ALL camps. For more on our camps visit!

1) See the Team Chapel Promo Video! and read some exciting updates from FCA...scroll down!

2)Team Chapel program now has over 50 teams committed to participate next year! We need Chaplains!!! Training is set for July 12, 2-5pm @ Northeast Christian in Lexington! If you would like to come and learn more how you or your church can be involved in this, please RSVP with me if you have not already! Download Chaplain Training Flyer

3) Interested in helping FCA with our Fall Golf Challenge? Contact me ASAP! We are having our first planning meeting next week!

4) Going to Ichthus? Rumor is that Inside Joke will be performing 9pm on Friday June 12 at the "techno stage." :)

Have a great day!!!!

2009 Kentucky FCA Summer Camp Listings

Welcome! You can find out about every FCA camp this summer at our national camps site,! There you can register for camps and much more! Below are a few special "overnight" camps that our office will be directly involved with, thus we are able to provide aditional information not available on!

KY FCA Team Wrestling Camp - June 22-24
Asbury College, Wilmore, KY

Download Camp Flyer Download Camp Coaches Packet
Student Waiver Form (fill out online or print and bring with you)
Apply to be a Huddle Leader

KY FCA Team Basketball Camp (Boys and Girls!) - June 22-24
Asbury College, Wilmore, KY

Download Camp Flyer Download Camp Coaches Packet
Boys Student Waiver Form (fill out online or print and bring with you)
Girls Student Waiver Form (fill out online or print and bring with you)
Apply to be Huddle Leader

KY FCA Team Golf Camp - June 15-17
Colonel Golf and Learning Center, Richmond KY
Download Camp Registration Packet
Student Waiver Form (fill out online or print and bring with you)
Apply to be a Huddle Leader (counselor)
Apply to be an instructor

KY FCA Team Football Camp - July 10-12
Campbellsville Univeristy, Campbellsville, KY
email: to register
Download camp brochure

KY FCA Leadership Camp (Jr. and Sr. High!) - June 24-27
Campbellsville Univeristy, Campbellsville, KY
Register Online Here
Apply to be a Huddle Leader
Download Camp Brochure

FCA Tennis Camp - June 22-24
Asbury College, Wilmore Kentucky
Download Camp Flyer
Online Camper Registraion
Apply to be an instructor
Apply to be a Huddle Leader

Note: the FCA Leadership Camp is NOT a team camp and is open for any student athlete, jr. or sr. high, who desires to be a leader for Christ in their school and on their team! We also have special sessions for FCA Huddle Coaches and Volunteers as well! This camp is one of the nations largest of it's kind and is a must for anyone serving in a leadership capacity (or desiring to!) with FCA!

Visit FCACAMPS.ORG For Your Complete FCA Camp Guide!

Character Coach Program Promo Video

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Victory Beyond Competiton...

Just an encouraging story of God's work among coaches...The state track meet was held last weekend at the University of Louisville. At the end of the meet the girls' team from Highlands was crowned State Champions and the team from Lloyd was runner-up. (They are both in the same region and are great rivals.) Highlands beat Lloyd by 1 1/2 points. Lloyd dropped the baton in the 4 X 100 relay, costing them the state title. At the end of the meet trophies were presented to both teams, to the Lloyd team first as runner-ups and then to the Highlands team as state champions. Upon exiting the track the Highlands team congratulated the Lloyd team, who were understandably a little disappointed. At that point the Lloyd coach, Greg Duty, (Greg spoke at the NKY FCA banquet in March), suggested the two teams pray together. God really united the two teams and the girls from Highlands asked the girls from Lloyd if they would join them for their victory lap around the track (normally reserved for only the winner). Chris Collingsworth, whose daughter runs for Highlands and his wife, were standing nearby and remarked to Greg that this was the greatest thing they had ever seen in sport. It was truly "Victory beyond Competition". I hope you are all doing well. God is faithful and good. Marty

Marty Mayer
Northern Kentucky Coaches' Rep.

CKY FCA Videos