Serving these Central Kentucky counties

Serving these Central Kentucky counties
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FCA Camp Report 2 – Team Camp @ Asbury

Just wanted to update you all on the FCA Team Camp that took place last week at Asbury College. This year’s camp nearly doubled in size from last year. With nearly 400 campers participating in Basketball, Wrestling and Tennis we saw God do some amazing things through sports and through our time during chapel as many students indicated to us that they trusted in Christ as their Savior and Lord for the first time!

To me, this camp was an incredible success! Not necessarily because of the visible response and the feedback we received (although that has been awesome…see below), but because of all the team camps we have done, I feel that the good news was shared and presented in such a clear and truthful way that no one could have been there and not have come face to face with their need for a savior. Here is what one boys basketball coach emailed to us after the camp:

As the Biblical base song says, "Great is thy Faithfulness", referring to God and what He truly is, has been and always will be. Also, as we are to be Christ like, it refers to you! Thank you for believing and obeying and staying true to the vision He gave to you. Because of that,I know of six young men that have been in our program during the last four years that have heard the word, answered the conviction of the Holy Spirit on their souls, and will now spend an eternity in Heaven! How Awesome is that? Thanks to you and your staff for staying True to the Call, we are forever grateful.Have a continued Great summer - Serving Him! We love you,Randy

Make no mistake… He is thanking you for making this possible! Much more to come on this camp… Perhaps one of the most amazing “God things” happened at this camp and I can’t wait to share it with you. We want to make sure that it is down just right before we do…

Check out Photos from the camp here:

Upcoming Events:
FCA Team Chaplain Training – July 12! - 2-5 PM at Northeast Christian Church.
FCA Golf Challenge Sept. 25 – Contact today about participating.

Gavin Duerson
Central KY FCA
2201 Regency Road Suite 602
Lexington, KY 40503
859 494 8524 (cell)
859 373 1300 (office)

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