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Serving these Central Kentucky counties
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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Big Blue Bible Drive! (UPDATE)

I just got off the phone and I wanted to share with you all a really neat story. FCA at UK has been attempting to give the FCA Competitors Bible to every coach and athlete on campus. It has been amazing how this has been going. We have purchased, personalized, and have delivered (or in the process of delivering) Bibles to the Men’s and Women’s Basketball, Golf, and Tennis Teams. We also have given Bibles to the Gymnastics Team and I just received a call from one of their coaches. I listened to him enthusiastically explain to me how one of the girls on the team who received her very first Bible EVER from this project, attended church this past Sunday, committed her life to Jesus and was baptized!

Hebrews 4:12: “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”


Below is a letter from UK FCA President Bryan Taylor. I couldn't be more excited about this project and the measure of faith it takes to see something like this through. I would encourage you to support it if you can and replicate it at your school if you so feel led! - Gavin

UK FCA’s “Big Blue Bible Drive”
The University of Kentucky Fellowship of Christian Athletes, via God’s leading, is attempting their first ever “Big Blue Bible Drive.” It is our goal to give every athlete and coach at the University of Kentucky a copy of an FCA Bible. These Bibles are leather bound and contain lots of helps including a devotion, written by coaches and athletes, for each day of the year. In addition, the members of UK’s FCA hope to include in the Bibles distributed a personal note to each coach and athlete as well as highlights of a few of their favorite verses.

There are over 500 athletes and coaches at the university and the Bibles will cost our FCA group approximately $16 each. So, in order for this God-sized task to be completed, we are trusting that God will raise up others who would like to join us in this project! Perhaps you, your church group, or group of friends would like to buy a Bible for an athlete or coach, or perhaps enough for an entire team? Attached is a list of the teams and the costs associated with each.

Would you consider supporting this exciting project? You can participate in this in the following ways:

1) Mail a check payable to “FCA” with “Big Blue Bible” in the memo line and mail it to FCA, 2201 Regency Road, Suite 602 Lexington, KY 40503.
2) Give securely online HERE. Make sure to designate your gift to “Lexington, KY” or "Central Kentucky FCA" and include in the special instructions “Big Blue Bible”

Thank you for your support! Make sure to include an email and we will keep you posted as this project develops!


Bryan Taylor
UK FCA President

For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12

Big Blue Bible Drive: Cost Analysis
Baseball: 33 athletes x $16 = $528 3 coaches x $16 = $48 Total: $576
Basketball (men’s): 13 athletes x $16 = $208 7 coaches x $16 = $112 Total: $320
Cross Country (men’s and women’s): 31 athletes x $16 = $496 2 coaches x $16 = $32 Total: $528
Football: 118 athletes x $16 = $1,888 12 coaches x $16 = $192 Total: $2080
Golf (men’s): 13 athletes x $16 = $208 2 coaches: $32 Total: $240
Rifle (men’s and women’s): 12 athletes x $16 = $192 2 coaches x $16 = $32 Total: $224
Soccer (men’s): 35 athletes x $16 = $560 5 coaches x $16 = $80 Total: $640
Swimming and Diving (men’s and women’s): 55 athletes x $16 = $880
6 coaches x $16 = $96 Total: $976
Tennis (men’s): 7 athletes x $16 = $112 2 coaches x $16 = $32 Total: $144
Track (men’s and women’s): 73 athletes x $16 = $1,168 5 coaches x $16 = $80 Total: $1,248
Basketball (women’s): 11 athletes x $16 = $176 5 coaches x $16 = $80 Total: $256
Golf (women’s): 10 athletes x $16 = $160 3 coaches x $16 = $48 Total: $208
Gymnastics: 14 athletes x $16 = $224 5 coaches x $16 = $80 Total: $304
Soccer (women’s): 23 athletes x $16 = $368 3 coaches x $16 =$48 Total: $416
Softball: 19 athletes x $16 = $304 3 coaches x $16 = $48 Total: $352
Tennis (women’s): 5 athletes x $16 = $80 3 coaches x $16 = $48 Total: $128
Volleyball: 14 athletes x $16 = $224 5 coaches x $16 = $80 Total: $304

Total Sum Required: $8,944

Our faith is made complete by what we do. –James 2:22

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