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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Inside Out: Leadership Camp From A Huddle Leader's Perspective

WOW...that is about all I can get out about camp this week.

I stand amazed at what God has done in the last 4 days and what He is going to do in the weeks, months, and years to come. I wondered why in the world God wanted me at camp in Campbellsville instead of softball camp in Illinois, but now I know.

I went to Leadership camp as a "Huddle Leader" but honestly the girls in my Huddle (36!!) taught me just as much as I taught them.

There were tons of little things I learned at camp, but I want to share a few of the major ones because I know they aren't just for me to keep to myself.

The first was something I have been working on for years, humility. I feel like I have done an awesome job staying humble in my athletics but when it comes to just talking about faith itself, my humility needed to be checked up on. Wed. night I saw a young lady I care about, someone I coach, and someone I love. She hasn't made the best decisions in her past and has been caught up in a circle of friends that is easy to become trapped in. Her heart was hard, she was skeptical about camp, and she was just hoping to have fun around me and meet some "hot guys"...little did she know God took her away from home, family, and she had 1 person out of over 500 she knew and I was not around her except a few times all week. God used an awesome speaker/pastor who shared the gospel with us all week, and He broke through, her heart was softened and a girl who I have seen cry one time (when she hit me in the back of the head from 10ft away w/ a softball and gave me a concussion) broke down on her knees at the altar and said I'm done with that life, I'm done with those friends, I want to live my life for Jesus Christ and for the Glory of God. It was humbling to say the least.
Along with that we went on a faith building trip, my second time ever doing this, in which I led two younger people to knock on doors and share the Gospel in a personal and real way. I also led a discussion group of 6 wonderful young ladies. Both of these things were not on my own power, because my power would have been slim to none. But 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 kept coming to me all week. It says;
1 Corinthians 2
When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power, so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power.

I was able to press on, to stand firm, and to be confident in Christ. This verse and this lesson was a reminder that I am nothing, but Jesus Christ is everything and I really can do anything with God's power if I rely solely on that and nothing else.

The second thing God taught me this week was sometimes we all need to be reminded and challenged to continue on the right track. God worked through the speakers(Chris Morgan and Steve Ayers) in many ways for each person. But I was strengthened and challenged to continue sticking to the morals and respect I have for myself. I have set high expectations for the man I want to marry someday and I'm not going to settle for anything less. I'm not going to give in and think I can help make a man the one I want. I can't...and I'm not going to be hurt anymore by thinking I can and then failing to do so.

Lastly, I just want to say that this could go on and on and on about what God did in my life this week, but I've realized how messed up our generation has become. We have been afraid to stand up, and ashamed to stand up too long. We have to learn to trust the POWER of Christ, and stand with others knowing no common ground but that of Christ. We are all sinners and we ALL need Christ. We can't just live it as "oh I've got nothing to lose by doing so" it's that we have an ENTIRE world to lose if we aren't careful.

I pray for all of those who left camp, I don't think one person left Campbellsville as the same person who walked in on Wednesday afternoon or Tuesday afternoon. I hope the towns and schools represented are ready for what has returned home today, because honestly I don't think they are. But if we learned one thing this week it's that Jesus returned to our hometowns and schools before we did and He has prepared the way.

If you want to know more I would love to share, but these were the things I felt I needed to share. God is changing this nation, from the inside...out...starting NOW.

Thanks for taking time to read this.
In Christ,

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