Serving these Central Kentucky counties

Serving these Central Kentucky counties
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

FCA Update

(Pictured: Katie, April, and Lindsay from EKU's womens golf team! All huddle leaders at FCA Team Golf Camp!)

Hello FCA!

Wow! Is it already the end of June!??? I want to give you a full update in the coming weeks, but here are a few (actually more than a few!) important notes i want to make sure you are aware of...

1. Aaron Hogue and his family have made the move to Lexington! His first official day on staff is next Thursday! We are having a luncheon for you to come and meet him July 7th at First Southern Nat'l Bank. Please RSVP by July5 with our office.

2. Team Golf, Basketball, Wrestling, and Tennis Camps! We have finished them all in the last three weeks! You can see pictures here: Full report coming soon!

3. Leadership Camp begins today in Campbellsville! - Please keep the 500 plus participants in your prayers the next few days!

4. FCA Skate - God is doing some some amazing things through skateboarding here in Central KY! We had a great outreach at Ichthus, "skate church" has been going strong every wednesday at woodland park in lexington since may, and we had a great second FCA skate camp (in Louisville) that we were able to send several from Central Kentucky too! We were invited to have a booth at the regions largest skate tournament this past monday, but it got rained out and will happen next Thursday. Please pray for continued inroads within this community.

5. No Baby yet! :( Karla and I would appreciate your prayers as it seems we have been expecting the birth of Beau every day for the past two months. We (especially Karla) are beyond ready for him to come into this world!

6. I preached at my church a earlier in June and shared a message on Matthew 5:13. If you would like to check it out, you can do so here:

7. Josh Teater FCA Golf Challenge! - Get all the info at this site. Next players meeting set for July 13, 11:30AM at the FCA office. RSVP with Shelia if you plan to come. Now is the time to be working on your team!

8. Character Coach Training - are you interested in being a "character coach" for a fall sports team in Central Kentucky? If you have not attended a training before, then you will want to our summer training, July 15 @ First Alliance Church in Lexington. 6-9pm. RSVP with the office.

Thanks for you support and prayers!

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